E+ Foundation
Our mission
The mission of the foundation is to promote the Christian roots of Europe by building cooperation of various communities for the benefit of youth and families.
This is accomplished especially by strengthening cooperation between Christian artists, communities and clergy, as well as catechists and local government employees in Poland and Europe.
1. Qultural Confirmation
is a formula for evangelistic meetings between artists and young people preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. The program is gaining the approval and blessing of several bishops; our dream is that one day it could include all dioceses and deaneries in Poland.
The program was designed to complement the annual cycle of catechesis which prepares young people for the sacrament of Confirmation. It is implemented by means of concerts of Christian music and testimonies in Houses of Culture, arranged in cooperation with local communities. Meetings outside of a church setting are an opportunity to confirm that life and faith are not two separate worlds.
As we read in the Instruction for Clergy, The Pastoral Conversion of the Parish community in the Service of the Evangelising Mission of the Church, “The fruitful and creative encounter between the Gospel and the culture leads to true progress (…) The renewal of evangelisation requires a new approach with diverse pastoral initiatives, so that the Word of God and the sacramental life can reach everyone in a way that is coherent with their state in life.”
The aim of this project is to retain young people in the Church by inviting them to further formation in youth communities, i.e. Poland’s Oasis Youth Movement, Scouts of Europe, Catholic Youth Association, Postcresima, etc. The project leads to the integration of artists, communities and clergy, as well as catechists and employees of Houses of Culture for the benefit of young people.
For more information, see: www.qulturalnebierzmowanie.pl
2. The School of Management
These are monthly meetings on line (via Zoom) with specialists who promote a variety of Christian music in Poland and beyond. The task of the project is to create a community of support for artists.
We want to collectively seek people of expertise so that our music reaches the widest possible audience, on equal terms with popular music, as is the case in the USA. We intend to invite specialists in social media, audio video production, managers, streaming and image specialists, lawyers, music producers, etc.
3. Festival
Our dream is to launch this project with a large international festival which will be an opportunity to meet, integrate and build cooperation between communities, formation and spiritual development environments, and youth and families in different parts of Europe. We would also like to have meetings with people who are still looking for their way in life and who look at the values, such as the Decalogue, from a distance. We would like to show the resources that Christian communities have to offer diverse audiences who are not affiliated with any particular Church. All is based on good music and modern, attractive technologies situated in a suitable stadium-type facility with active participation of the media.

The goals of the foundation:
- To support the cooperation of local government units with Christian communities through the integration of artists with a variety of religious organizations (including parishes) in local areas,
- To support the Catholic Church in the pastoral care of children, youth, adults and families,
- To support the post-conciliar idea of building “a community of communities”,
- To educate and raise awareness of children, youth and adults, in terms of prevention of social pathologies through activities for art, culture and tradition,
- To support Christian culture and ideas in Poland and abroad,
- To integrate the European Union by supporting its Christian roots,
- To popularize positive personal and family models which encourage and support the proper development of persons who are free from addictions and dependencies.
The Foundation implements its statutory objectives by:
- Arranging and conducting conferences, seminars, trainings and other events in the implementation of the statutory objectives of the Foundation,
- Creating and maintaining groups and teams of people to support the implementation of the statutory objectives of the Foundation,
- Supporting materially and substantively the needy organizations whose activities are similar to those of the Foundation,
- Arranging activities for European integration and development of contacts and cooperation between societies,
- Engaging in broadly understood cultural, entertaining and recreational activities in the implementation of the statutory objectives of the Foundation,
- Promoting a generally understandable idea of the Christian religion,
- Cooperating with individuals, non-governmental organizations, local and governmental authorities and other stakeholders in the implementation of the statutory objectives of the Foundation,
- Arranging events, concerts, parish picnics and other educational, recreational and integrative undertakings,
- Arranging, conducting and supporting social and informational campaigns in the implementation of the statutory objectives of the Foundation,
- Developing and issuing publications for the implementation of the statutory objectives of the Foundation,
- Popularizing practical and theoretical knowledge in areas related to the statutory objectives of the Foundation,
- Fundraising for the achievement of the statutory objectives,
- Conducting information campaigns and running thematic blogs in the area of the Foundation’s activities,
- Providing scholarship activities and in-kind support of the Foundation’s charges,
- Conducting and promoting volunteerism and charitable activities.